Power Transmission Components For Motion Control Devices

Motion Control

Once it’s time to begin mass production of an item, motion control devices help improve assembly-line accuracy and repeatability. Boost motion control performance at your facility with power transmission components from Dayton Superior Products.

Dayton Superior Products is a leading manufacturer of collars, clutches, and couplings designed to safely advance motion control equipment reliability and productivity. In addition to standard products, our team specializes in the design and production of OEM power transmission components. When a regular part just isn’t enough, we can modify an existing product or develop a custom solution from scratch to meet customer needs.

Supplying the customer with a quality product on time and at an affordable price is our utmost priority. We leverage innovative designs, superior materials, precision craftsmanship, and dependable quality controls to produce original equipment manufacturer and custom-designed power transmission components for the motion control industry.


We utilize quality materials to ensure they can outlast and outperform application requirements. Common material types used include:

Three-hundred-series stainless steel is strong and naturally corrosion resistant, whereas carbon steel with premium finishes offers rust protection and high strength in an affordable package.

At Dayton Superior Products, we operate with a quality-first mindset. Inspections occur at every fabrication process phase, and no product leaves our facility until we confirm fitment and verify specifications have been met.

Increase motion control equipment performance and reliability with Dayton Superior Products. Headquartered in Troy, Ohio, we are the leaders in research, design, and manufacturing of power transmission solutions.

Contact Dayton Superior Products for more information about our motion control solutions

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